Thursday, January 24, 2008


The Best Email Marketing Strategies & Solutions For B2B Marketers

For B2B marketers e-mail marketing is one of the most successful tools for generating great results at the quickest possible time. Not only does it help you reach the targeted people at lower cost, but you can also reach millions of potential customers in minutes. Accordingly, your e-mail marketing strategy must be an integral part of the overall marketing strategy of your organization. As you intend to sell your products or services to other businesses, you need to adopt an aggressive marketing strategy to ensure that you are ahead of your competitors. The design of the newsletter used in your email marketing campaign should reflect the corporate image of your organization. It should also create a distinct identity of your products and business. The content of your newsletter should engage the readers by providing them well-defined and product-specific information in order to convert them into sales opportunities. At the initial stage of the buying process, buyers conduct extensive online research about the different offerings available in the marketplace. The contents of your email marketing campaign should have simple terms and an easy-to-follow description so that buyers can learn about your products or services by reading the content. A lucid and compelling content will convert prospective customers into sales and help you stay ahead in the business. To enhance the look and feel of your newsletter you can seek professional help from agencies offering email marketing service.

When you offer a newsletter as a means for internet marketing email, you must ensure that it is nothing but a newsletter. B2B marketers often send e-mail advertising in the name of newsletter. If a subscriber finds an ad for a product in the inbox without reference to any context, the mail find its way to the trash. The subscriber might unsubscribe from your newsletter as well. B2B marketers often send bulk email as a way to mass email marketing of their products or services. Recipients of such mails respond by spam filtering and blocking the addresses, eventually restricting your marketing efforts. To avoid these situations it is useful to take recourse to opt-in email marketing and permission email marketing. Whenever an owner of an email address explicitly requests for your newsletter by providing his address to be used for the purpose, you include it in your opt-in mailing list. If a customer requests for the current catalogue of products by sending a request, you can add him to the list of customers whom you will send a copy of the current catalogue. You must ensure that such a list should be for once, and should be limited to the current catalogue only. Any list used for opt-in email marketing should not be used for sending spam. However, you may ask anyone, requesting for your current catalogue, if they want to continue receiving your latest catalogue, and maintain their data in your mailing list after obtaining explicit permission to do so. This list can be then used for permission email marketing. You can keep sending them bulk mails.

To be a successful B2B marketer in todays global market place, you need to have your computer and communication systems attuned to the most advanced technologies. Even if you design your email marketing campaign with excellent contents and design, your efforts may not bring the desired results if you fail to measure the responses or track the various actions. Often B2B marketers start their email-advertising program in a big way, but eventually end up losing the battle for their inability to implement advanced email delivery system, or to track the mails and generate reports. To get rid of such situations it is often necessary that you have professionals, who can implement result oriented email marketing solution, working for you. However, in order to cut down on the operating costs of employing and retaining technical staffs, you can also seek for email marketing consultancy services from organizations specializing in email marketing solution. There are many organizations which offer customized email marketing software to help you realize greater results for your email marketing campaigns. Professional email marketing solutions are fast, reliable, and powerful and helps you beat your competitors in the business. Advanced email marketing software and list management tools, coupled with brilliant designs and contents can bring spectacular results to your email marketing campaigns.

E-mail advertising is often seen as an intruder into privacy. We regularly find junk mails, spams or unwanted mails from unknown senders landing into our inboxes. Therefore, it has become a practice to delete all such mails without even opening them. Many people even go further and block the IP address or activate spam filtering. Innocent B2B marketers also fall victim to spam filtering and blocking, which, in turn, spoil all your email advertising and email marketing efforts. To get rid of these you must ensure that your email is not on any blackhole lists. Also you need to have a strict anti-spam policy and quickly act when a spamming report shows up. If you have an external email marketing service provider that is also host to another email "marketer" that sends spam, there are high chances that your e-mails are being blocked, as spam coming from a provider will be blocked as a whole, including all the innocent marketers. Therefore, you must ensure that your email marketing service provider does not provide service to any spammer.

For becoming a successful B2B marketer your primary focus should be on your internet marketing strategies. You must devise your internet marketing email in such a way that your return on investment (ROI) increases and it also helps in improving your bottom line. You need to ensure that all the aspects of the process are next to none, be it the design of your email newsletter, the contents or the email delivery system and analysis of data. Whether you use direct email marketing or bulk email marketing; whether it is opt-in email marketing or email advertising, you must ascertain that you have done proper research about the targeted section of your recipients to make sure that your email marketing campaigns are designed to be distinctive and complete.

Conrad Bailey is the author of The B2B Email Marketing blog at where he offers the best bulk email marketing solutions, tools and software for business-to-business marketers. 60-Day Free Trial.Viola Blog12750
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