Thursday, January 24, 2008


"Do You Make This Marketing Mistake?" Harvard Business Review...

In a recent piece in the Harvard Business Review, the authors remind us what a normal person wants when they buy something. And no, it is NOT the thing they buy.

Harvard marketing professor Theodore Levitt, they write, used to tell his students,

"People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!" (Harvard Business Review, 12.05)

Think about your product. Are you selling its features, benefits, ingredients, or scientific validity? Or are you offering what someone might do or make happen with it?

Like the drill - it's used to make a hole where there was none before.

So when talking about your products, especially when you're talking to women, tell first how you used the products - what they did for you. Tell YOUR story (AKA Your First Date Script).

Women (a big fat 80% majority of network marketers) always want to know FIRST how others are using the products you are offering - what they DO with it. Not what's in it. That's a big difference between how women and men buy. (Marketing to Women, Barletta) .

So, what if you start with YOUR story? My company's introducing a product for women who... (...who want to get X done, like I did.). Then you tell how YOU use the product and how it helped you do X. How it gave you the "quarter-inch hole" you wanted (AKA Your First Date Script). You end it by asking for someone like you - someone who wants to get the thing done that YOU got done.

Professor Levitt had the insight: Consumers, us, want to get things done. We all buy stuff (and hire people) to get those things done, including buying it just to be able to show it or talk about it with others.

So, what 'got done' for you, by using your product?

Next ask yourself: might there be others out there who'd like to know about a product that did that for you?

And if the answer is yes, that is your market. Isn't it?

Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated. Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, Blog80415
Esmeralda Blog16158

Pay Per Click Advertising

Advertising has gained tremendous importance in the marketing arena. Newer avenues have emerged giving much more than just the awareness factor to be looked upon. One such arena for marketing where advertising is gaining ground is Internet marketing. Many advertising techniques have come up for web based marketing or advertising projects. One of the Internets advertising techniques is termed as PPC or Pay Per Click. The Pay Per Click technique is primarily used for websites, search engines and advertising networks.

The idea behind the PPC technique is very simple yet effective. Advertisers in order to make their advertisements seen by people offer them money to visit their website and click on a particular ad. This in turn generates revenue for the advertising companies. With search engines, Pay Per Click advertisements are usually some text ads that are strategically placed near search results; when a site visitor clicks on the advertisement, the advertiser is charged a small amount. As the number of clicks increase, the revenue for advertising companies increases.

In todays tough competition, the major players in this segment include Google AdWords and Yahoo search engine. As per the usage of the Pay Per Click facility, these are classified into three types of engines. These classifications are given as keyword, product and service engines. According to the nature of the job, these classifications differ. Normally the rates for Pay Per Click campaigns come to around $0.01 per click, but biger search engines pay upto $0.5 per click. Though it generates a small amount for the person who earns via PPC, it proves useful for people who spend around 4-5 hours on the net.

The very heart of Pay Per Click advertising lies in the keyword search. When a prospective client searches for a particular word or phase, a list of advertisement links appear. Clicking on any one of them increases the visitor count for that particular advertisement and thus creates revenue for the advertising company. Thus, every advertising company wants to be in the first few search counts that the user sees.

Almost the same kind of structure follows for the other two classifications. Pay Per Click is not just restricted to local advertisers. It is done on a large scale to increase the number of clicks in a single day. Nowadays many companies exist that provide Pay Per Click advertising. Judging the best out of them is a real concern for companies these days. Many of them exist only on paper and thus can be cause of fraudulent activities. You need to be extra careful while choosing a advertising agency for such advertising campaigns. For those of you who want to make some money by clicking on ads, it provides a good opportunity to earn some extra income.

Laurie Buckley is the author of, wholesale web traffic suppliers.Frederica Blog28645
Verine Blog61023

The Art of Successful PR - the follow up

When you are your own boss you know its hard to be off duty. New ideas and thoughts pop into your mind at the most inconvenient of times. This is something we should always remember as you are always an ambassador for your business.

1. Whenever you meet new people, spend your time listening to them. People will more readily talk about themselves. Remember that everyone you meet is a potential customer, lead to a potential customer, or recommend you to a potential customer.

2. Always ask new contacts for their business card, its so much better than offering them to take yours, and only offer your card if invited to do so. Human nature dictates thats they will happily give you their card, however they might lose yours or only accept it to be polite. Remember your business cards cost YOU money, whereas theirs cost you nothing.

3. Make sure you enter their email address as a friend in your spam filter so you dont block their return email.

4. Look at their website. Having made the new contact, reinforce it, with a brief nice to meet you email, and refer to some point that they raised in the conversation or some point of interest on their website.

5. Make sure you enter their details into your contact manager, such as Outlook, whilst their details are fresh in your mind, recording any other personal information, such as birthdays.

6. Having exchanged emails, quickly follow on with a phone call, (This is Jack Sparrow , from The Black Pearl etc, ie full name and importantly your business name) confirming they had received your email. Check back to your only prior conversation. Remember they will probably have a spam filter too. Let them know if your email to them bounced back as they could also be losing valuable leads? Your goal is to cement yourself in their memory

7. Leave things for two weeks or so then if you have a free product such as a newsletter or a useful resource on your website or even a blog which they may be interested in, or contributing to, send them a link.

8. Never be afraid of asking people for advice or a contribution. How you use it is up to you, and it flatters them in being asked.

9. Categorise your contacts in a useable fashion, to which way your business might target them. It could be by demographics, or by number of dependants, or on turnover/income.

10. Forward on any contacts that you may already have could prove beneficial, or ones who they would enjoy meeting.

Your goal is to make yourself invaluable and unforgettable. The art of PR is to follow up both immediately and continually in order to cement a lasting business relationships.

Author: Rachel Titheridge

Rachel Titheridge is one of the English copywriters for Castril Web Solutions, and also the editor of the free monthly newsletter giving IT news, tips and techniques and Marketing and IT articles, and free software downloads. See Blog89838
Evangelina Blog59631

Advantages of Online MLM

When I started on my quest to make money in Network Marketing I began my journey doing Offline Networking with a company called Herbalife. Herbalife sells health and weight loss products for people who are overweight and out of shape. This was my first venture with network marketing, although I had heard of it before. I had gotten a little direct mail piece about them, read over it and got excited. So I immediately sent off for the rest of the materials that were required. Once I got everything rolling I realized that selling health products and dealing with overweight women weren't exactly my cup of tea and eventually I ended up quitting.

The next Offline Network Marketing experience I had was with a company called Quixtar. I went about my quest trying to build this big downline as I had done with Herbalife. My experience with this company was better because I could identify more with the concept, but I grew weary of going to all the meetings and constantly having to hound people about signing up. Needless to say I quit again.

After having quit two offline network marketing companies I began to realize that I hated approaching people and going to all of those corny meetings. I still saw the potential and power of Networking, but I hoped and preferred for a way to do it entirely from my home without having to leave . This is when I discovered On-Line Network Marketing!

With On-Line Network Marketing you don't have to deal with the traditional hassles of an Offline MLM business. You never have to leave the home unless you choose to, you can reach a wider range of people with a couple of clicks of a button. And to add to this there are tools you can use to totally put your business on autopilot. Tools such as autoresponders, list builders, email, signature links and autosubmitters.

This is what makes doing business online so much more efficient and less time consuming than what is offered in Offline/Traditional Network Marketing. The only drawback I see in Online Networking is the some times robotic nature of a cyberspace environment. You'll really never get to meet the people you do business with as well as probably never speaking with them on the phone. In my eyes these are very small drawbacks when compared to the drawbacks I mentioned concerning Traditional Networking.

If you are considering an On-Line Network Marketing business because of the benefits I mentioned, I would say some basic things to look for when choosing are:

1. Good customer/client support systems including telephone numbers, instant chat support, fast and consistent email response.

2. Easy duplication of marketing techniques

3. Ability to automate different marketing tasks

4. Compensation plan suitable to your needs

5. Solid company business history and longevity.

The ideas listed within this article show the benefits of On-Line Network Marketing vs. the drawbacks of Traditional Networking as well as supplying some basic things to look for in choosing an On-Line Networking opportunity.

Copyright © Khalil Bashir

Khalil Bashir is a home business writer. To find a great home business opportunity so you can work at home visit: Blog26207
Venus Blog13848

Effective Contextual Advertising Methods

Refining your AdSense advertising program to cater to the needs of the most Web traffic is both an art and a science. The growth of social networking and blogging networks is encouraging people to click on advertising that is specific to their needs and behavior, and can benefit them in the long run. Contextual advertising is a fairly new advertising module that lets you launch effective ad campaigns by mining and scanning your users behavior. For example, when a user is consistently showing interest in a particular link, Web page, or subject, contextual ads can pop up that relate to that behavior specifically.

Contextual advertising has been introduced on the major search engines, including MSN, Yahoo!, and Google. Googles Gmail currently uses the concept as a banner on the top of the users Gmail account. The system looks at the most frequent keywords within an e-mail and elicits ads accordingly! Contextual advertising helps advertisers target their advertising directly to people who are more likely to click on them! This gives you, the AdSense advertiser, a higher return on investment (ROI) and better prospects for your advertising campaign in the long term.

Click-through rates and pay-per-clicks (PPC) are the key reinforcers of contextual advertising, and it is through these that you can gauge how well your site and set of ads are doing. The only way you can accurately determine what to use is by trying! Since contextual advertising programs are fairly new to the Web, there is some room for trial and error. However, because your ROI is much higher than with regular click-through and basic AdSense programs, you will likely see more effectiveness with this strategy.

Google is currently leading the way with contextual advertising techniques, tips, and tricks to increase value and search engine optimization overall. Googles fantastic search engines are market leaders in data mining and extraction, and the process is only improving each day! Microsoft is attempting its version of click-through and pay-per-click advertising with ContentAds. ContentAds allow publishers to use the MSN portal and data to create unique demographic-specific advertising with text-based advertisements. There are also extensive tools and resources available for ContentAd users.

Ad placement, combined with the best type of ad for a given subject, are your key resources for an effective AdSense program. Making use of contextual advertising methods and programs is a smart choice as more Web users begin to ignore traditional advertising methods. Contextual advertising lets you target Web traffic specifically to the users interests and past behavior; catering your AdSense program toward a contextual advertising is a smart and cost-effective strategy in the long term!

Seth Willis Jr. is the webmaster for he is an experienced internet marketer and has a lot of expertise with adsense." I created adsense school so that I could help others who are starting out and needed a resource and tutorial site to get started, the school is completely free and there for anyone with a desire to learn how to make an income using adsense."Farrah Blog80922
Faythe Blog1608

Warming Up Your Cold Market -- Six Network Marketing Strategies For Success

Are you finding that prospecting and working your "cold market" is getting chillier these days? I've noticed this, especially in the last year. When I contact people who had responded to an advertisement that my company ran, it is much more difficult to establish rapport than it used to be!

I've been quite surprised to see how much more closed and suspicious people have been compared to when I made phone calls just a year ago. Perhaps the challenges in today's world have made their impact on people. They are more fearful, less likely to trust someone they don't know.

How do you build rapport and build your network marketing business in times like this? You will need a little more patience, but if you persevere and follow these five basic network marketing strategies, you can warm up even the chilliest of cold markets!

First, I'd like to review the basic network marketing strategies that create successful organizations. It's important to understand that the people who excel in network marketing have a large circle of influence. A circle of influence means that there are a lot of people that know you, like you and trust you. If you don't already have a large circle of influence, and you want to succeed in network marketing, you're going to need to build one!

How do you build a circle of influence? One person at a time! It is always best to start with people that you know. Contact them and ask them know for referrals. Participate in your community, attend Chamber of Commerce events, and hold local meetings. You develop yourself into a leader both personally and professionally, to attract other like minded professionals.

Online, you do the same in the internet community. You build a presence on the internet with a newsletter list or blog (or both) or website, so that you can build a relationship with people. You provide a way that they can get to know you... like an online photo album, and a personal "Get to Know Me" page.

These are the basics of good network marketing. Once you've contacted the people that you know, you will want to expand your circle of influence even further and get to know some new people! You can do this through advertising or through hiring a network marketing ad agency to advertise for you. Now, how do you handle today's increasingly chilly cold market? Well, you need to take more time to WARM IT UP!!! Here are six network marketing strategies for warming up your cold market.

1. Whenever possible, use offline advertising sources such as postcards, newspapers, radio or TV. These prospects see your ad several times before responding, and are usually MUCH more highly qualified. If your ad is credible, people will trust you more easily.

2. If you must use internet advertising, be sure to use an established and proven leads source which includes the use of an e-mail autoresponder. This will allow you to contact people via e-mail legitimately, without spam complaints. If you are very serious about generating leads online, I recommend you create or purchase your own lead generating website. This takes time but is a lifelong investment if done correctly.

3. When you reach a person by phone, don't rush the relationship building process. Find out what they are looking for, ask good questions, and really listen. Don't be pushy, focus on their needs. If you're new at working your cold market, team up with a successful leader in your upline who is experienced.

4. Offer something of value that is free like a report, eBook or consultation, that will both qualify and educate your prospect and that will also introduce you as part of the process. For example, on your free report include a link to your online photo album and your biography or "Get to Know Me" page.

5. Follow up several times to build familiarity and credibility with your prospect. Use an autoresponder to help you in this, but don't depend on it. There is nothing like a good, old fashioned conversation to build trust. Sending a postcard in the mail also helps a lot!

6. Be a real person. Tell, don't sell! Avoid sales pitches, instead, share your own story. Network marketing is about being your authentic best self. Let your heart and your integrity shine, and people will remember you and trust you. When they are ready to try your product or join your team, they will call you!

Tarama Esgoode has been network marketing since 2001. She writes about Blog61201
Evita Blog50269

Attention All Frustrated Affilliates

If your reading this right now I am guessing that you are having difficulty finding an affiliate programme that really does work, am I right? (If not youre reading it out of curiosity).

So I guess your spending hundreds of dollars on affiliate programmes that promise that they will teach you how to run a successful business on the net, make you spend more money on something else like a co op pool for advertising or an upgrade to diamond membership promising to deliver more leads. Before you know it you have spent $100 hard earnt dollars that you wanted to gain financial freedom with on a programme that actually in fact rips you off!!! (Not funny is it). Then we do it all over again expecting that this time will be different (but its not). I know this roll because I have been there, done it and got the t-shirt

(Bet that makes you feels a little better).

Well guess what Ive finally done it, after all that hard work and wasted money I have now earnt my money back that I got and found the freedom that I wanted and I did it with 3 programmes all of which taught me how generate traffic two my site, how to think positively and how to progress my business on to levels that we could never imagine. So. Firstly they teach me the best sources of traffic on the net. (Which I might add that it is not traffic exchanges which some might tell you) infact its complete common sense what it really is. Then they actually taught me how to get free quality traffic (which is what I had to do cause I was broke.), which is all laid out simply, and the easiest way to understand that even my 8-year-old daughter could do it. Now because when you have been so poor and nothing seems to work, you start to get down, am I right (if you disagree you are a heck of a lot strong minded person than what I am!!) so they teach you how to think as well. And last but not least if what I have wrote is not enough they taught me step by step to progress my business at the right time as well, and just to let you know they also have a help centre as well that is ran by real people by email (if thats not dedication to the client I dont now what is).

So just to wrap it all up I have dug myself out of financial hell enrolled my self on a programme that gives me a free professionally designed website worth $299 (which you have to wait for which is good cause you just know that there creating especially for you).

They teach me the best sources of traffic paid and free, they teach me how to think and they teach you how to make the business grow plus the shed loads of other things they have taught me. And I dont think ive mentioned the $1000 of real downloadable products that all come with resale rights so you can just sell them on ebay, this package is outstanding value for money and has just done nothing but benefit me from the minute I paid for it.

Well cant make this to long otherwise youll get bored of me and proberly fall asleep.

If you want more info you can either contact me directly or even just visit my website but it would be nice just to hear from you and tell me your stories I will only reply if I have the time I am quite buy personal contact details are below.

P.S. you could just go to my site and enlist in the free 5-day course I have available.

See you bye.

Hi, my name is Gavin Pittingale, I have been doing online business for 7 years now and i have finally cracked through it all,i just wanted to share my sucess with you to let you know it can all be done and that sucess on the internet for an average person is not a myth.Frayda Blog93500
Fabrianne Blog3814

I Love German Wine And Food - A Baden Pinot Noir

If you are in the market for fine German wine and food, you should consider the Baden region of southeastern Germany. You may find a bargain, and I know that you will enjoy yourself fun on this fact-filled wine education tour in which we review a local Pinot Noir.

The Baden region is the southernmost wine-growing region in Germany. Most of its many vineyards are found in a long, narrow strip between the Black Forest and the Rhine River. Across this river lies the French wine region of Alsace. Although approximately sixty percent of local wine is white, the red Pinot Noir is definitely the most important grape variety in Baden. White varieties include the German-bred Mueller Thurgau, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, and Riesling. Baden ranks third in Germany for both vineyard acreage and total wine production. Slightly over one third of its wine production is QbA wine, the remainder is the higher quality QmP wine. Baden produces no table wine.

If you're going to be in Baden, why not visit Baden-Baden? This town, simply called Baden until 1931, is the center of a famous spa taking advantage of the local hot springs already known to the Ancient Romans. The city offers a casino, the oldest casino in Germany. This was where the famous Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote The Gambler. It wasn't only a labor of love; there were gambling debts to pay. Be sure to visit Abtei Lichtenthal, a medieval Cistercian abbey. The Festspielhaus Baden-Baden (Baden-Baden Festival Theatre) is Germany's largest opera house and concert hall with 2,500 seats.

Before reviewing the Baden wine and imported cheeses that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region. Start with Schwarzwaelder Schinken (Black Forest Ham). Continue with Forelle (Trout) done in dozens of ways. For dessert indulge yourself with Schwarzwaelder Torte (Black Forest Cake, Chocolate Cake with Whipped Cream and Cherries).

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed Konigschaffhausen Pinot Noir 2003 13.0% alcohol about $15

Let's start by quoting the marketing materials. The hot growing season of 2003 facilitated a level of ripeness in the vineyards of many regions, including Baden, that was almost unprecedented. Expect ripe strawberry, cherry, and plum aromas and flavors. This Pinot would complement grilled salmon or veal chops.

My first meal consisted of breaded, fried chicken breast with potato salad, eggplant, and tomato salad. Perhaps because I knew that the wine was a Pinot Noir, I tasted the earth and a bit of tobacco. This wine and food pairing was quite successful.

For my next tasting, I started with a tomato-based eggplant salad and humus topped by very piquant Moroccan spices. The heart of the meal was beef stew and potatoes. Once again I knew this Pinot Noir was a Pinot Noir and I enjoyed it all the way.

The final meal wasn't really a meal. It was a late night snack of cold barbequed chicken. The wine was excellent and tasted of light cherries. My initial reaction was that the wine came up short, but after a few sips I thought otherwise.

As often, I tried this wine with two cheeses. The first was an overripe French Camembert, a soft cow's milk cheese. The wine became flatter, and while it was still fruity what a shame to combine the two. It was as if somebody shaved the top off the wine. I guess you know by now that German Limberger cheese can be quite pungent; this one was certainly starting to smell but interestingly enough the odor didn't really affect its taste. My Pinot Noir retained a bit more of its fruit than when paired with the Camembert, but frankly, why waste this wine with this cheese?

Final verdict. I'm going to buy this wine again. The 2003 vintage is no longer available so I'll grab the 2004 and see what a difference a year makes.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine German or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His major wine website is Blog61023
Francyne Blog34020

Network Vs. Affiliate Marketing

Running a traditional brick and mortar kind of business with an online presence, is obviously one very good way to make at least part of your living online. But for the purposes of this article we are going to assume that you do not have your own business. So I am going to discuss two of the biggest online money makers right now: online business opportunities and affiliate marketing.

Network marketing

The typical online business opportunity is commonly built around some sort of network marketing concept, inheriting the basic qualities of the offline business model that has been available for many decades - the basic idea being that you recruit two or more people, who in their turn recruit two and in this way your efforts will (at least in theory) be greatly leveraged.

The main difference doing this online is that, utilizing the power of the Internet, you as a network marketer can literally reach people all over the planet.

The problem with the network marketing, or "mlm", concept is that it sounds so good on paper - way too good in fact. Most people who joins up with a company of this type tend to get a dose of Mr. Reality rather soon.

They discover that recruiting new people, which is what all mlm is all about - even if they try to tell you differently - is not at all a simple process. There has been plenty of fraudulent businesses in this niche, and people tend to stay on their toes as soon as they hear the words mlm or network marketing.

To further complicate things this business model is also based on you paying a set monthly fee - wether you make any money or not, which means that many people who start this kind of business actually end up loosing money.

It is definitely possible to make a good living in network marketing, but it is definitely not for everybody. "Getting in on the ground floor" is allegedly not always as good as it seems.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is similar to network marketing, in the sense that you will be promoting a product produced by another company or person. This can obviously make life very simple for you, as the merchant will usually take care of all shipping and customer support issues. is probably one of the most well known (an respected) companies utilizing the power of affiliate partnerships.

As an affiliate, your task is simply to refer new clients to the merchant and when these people go ahead and buy something, you get credited with a certain percentage of the sale.

Contrary to network marketing it is generally free to act as an affiliate marketer. Although there are certain companies that have sort of a hybrid structure between network and affiliate marketing - requiring you to pay a start-up and/or monthly fee to market their products. Most affiliate programs are completely free to join though, so I'd personally stay away from those using their affiliate programs as an income generator in it's own right, or "affiliate sharks" as one marketer aptly named them.

Affiliate programs are thus a great way in which almost anyone can start to make money online, without having to invest a lot of money, if indeed any at all.

There is however certain strategies and marketing methods you need to be knowledgeable of, if you are to make anything but peanuts with your affiliate marketing.

Choosing the right affiliate program and promoting it to the right people in the right way is an art form in it's own right. And the people who are really good at this, generally referred to as "super affiliates", make a very good living doing nothing else than selling other people's products.

If you are looking to make an additional income from the Internet, or eventually even replace your current income altogether, affiliate marketing is a great way to get started. To achieve the success you desire, you should study and learn the same techniques super affiliates use on a day to day basis.

Andreas Sundstrom has made a full time living online for the past six years, largely thanks to the power of free affiliate programs. At his website he will share some of the most important super affiliate secrets.Valentia Blog21624
Valene Blog10528

How to Start Your Affiliate Business

Does this sound familiar:

Getting started is easy!
-- Complete the online application below.
-- Read the Affiliate Agreement and the additional terms included with it!
-- We notify you of your acceptance.
-- Place the links on your site and Start earning cash!

Just like that, you think you are on your way to earning 100s of dollars in income right away. You hear the success stories. You see the potential for earning an income on the internet. You jump right in and join a bunch of affiliate programs, purchase the services and software that you are told that you need. Now you have spent all this money and have still not made anything to show for your efforts.

What you need to do is start by planning out your business. Make sure that you have an overall business plan. Put this down on paper. When planning your business, you need to determine which affiliate programs to join. You want to avoid just putting up a list of affiliate links. This will never encourage people to buy from you. Do your research about products and services. There is so much out there on the internet about everything this should not be a hard task. Look to see what people are out there buying. Keep in mind that most people on the internet are looking for information. Make sure that you are able to provide then with the information that is helpful to them. Choose something that you can be passionate about and work hard at showing people how your product or service will help them. This will encourage visitors to click on that banner and purchase the goods or services that you are promoting.

Once you have figured out what your business is then it is time to establish a presentation of your business - Your WEB SITE. This does not have to be a grand 20 page web site. It is more of a one to two page site that allows you to pitch your business. Remember, if you are not building a business, you are not going to earn any money on affiliate sites. You want to keep your site very easy to understand and browse through. You want to make sure that you show your passion about the products or services that you are selling. Show people what the product or service can do for them. Make them think that it is something that they cannot live without. Use testimonials and personalize your web page for the product or service. You want people to see that you are just the average Joe who has found this wonderful product and show what it is going to do for them. It does not have to be anything elaborate. In fact, simplicity is the key to keeping people on your site. The more Bling that you have going on, the less likely that people will stay on your site.

Remember, starting any business is difficult. Dont expect to make big money right away. It takes time to establish trust with customers. But, by planning your business and building a quality site, you will avoid the mistakes that many affiliates make. You will be way ahead of the pack and on your way to building a viable web BUSINESS.

Markus Corkern is a writer and affiliate director for He is active in new research and development in the internet affiliate marketing field.Van Blog74381
Vivian Blog72969

A Guide To Choosing The Right Hosting For Your Business

Don't believe for a minute that having a good web host isn't vital to your online business. If you get cheap web hosts, downtime can destroy your profits. You must do your research to find a web host carefully before making a contract with a hosting company There are many companies out there and they all have varying degrees of service.

Before you make your decision in what hosting company your will use, look over these points:

Reliable: Your host simply has to be reliable. You cannot afford to have downtime. You lose sales if people can't count on you. Really check out the web hosting company you want to use, reviewing their service completely before signing up. Ask what kind of servers they use and how reliable they are. If there are any testimonials look at them and see that they are authentic.

Good customer support: If you have problems technically at any time, you need to know you have excellent support from your web hosting service.

Monthly contract: Ensure you sign only on a monthly basis and not for 6 months or more, and that you won't be penalized for canceling at any time.

Set up fee: Don't sign up if there is a set up fee. If your hosting service really appreciates your business with them, they won't charge you for set up.

Backing up files: Does your new host back up files and how often? It is very important to back up files and good if your host does this as well.

FTP access: This is a useful feature that some web hosts offer. This will allow you to upload your site whenever you have any changes or additions to your website.

A good number of email addresses: Ensure the host you pick has enough email addresses for your business. You may need many or just a few, but your host should be able to supply you with what you need.

Bandwidth (traffic) allowed: If your host has 5GB of bandwidth, this should work for you. You should know how much you will be provided with.

Extra services: Look into what the price includes. Everything should be plain and laid out clearly as to what you will pay.

Price: You may pay varying prices for your web host, like between $5.95-$19.95. You should research the services offered compared to the price, which can be between $5.95-$19.95. It isn't always a bad sign to only be charged a low fee. It depends what you need.

Cpanel: is a useful feature, and simple to use. This will let you manage your web hosting from one place and has features like web stats and web mail. Make sure your host has a fast connection: Make sure you will have a host with a fast connection or your visitors who only have dial-up will have trouble. When your visitors only have dial up they will still have better speed if your host has fast connecting powers. This will make a lot of difference to the loading time of your site.

Knowing these points will enable you to know the best web hosting company for you.

Dan Farrell has a newsletter, Build An eBusiness On A Shoestring. To sign up with free bonuses, go to: Web Hosts ( Evie Blog3550
Freddie Blog7095

First Steps on Starting an Internet Business

If you are considering starting an Internet business, then there are quite a few things that you will need to know, if you are going to succeed.The pitfalls of rushing into starting your own online business are many and varied. however you will be able to avoid many of the mistakes that online marketers make, when first starting out in your venture by continuing to read this article.

Why Do They Fail

Why so many newcomers to Internet marketing fail is that they have the idea in their heads, that it is going to be easy. I can tell you now that this is not the case and if you take this approach, you may only have one percent in a thousand chance or less of succeeding. Those days are almost certainly over because there is far more competition out there and everybody and their dogs want to start an Internet business.

I have already made these mistakes and can only try to help you avoid these same problems and if only one of you succeed in your business, then my efforts will have been rewarded.

Research your field

The first thing that you should do is to decide on what field of Internet marketing, you are going to venture into. When you have some idea of the field that you want to start in, you must be willing to spend some time researching that field. Without researching your field you will never know it's potential. You will need to know how big a market this field has and just how much competition there is against you.

A big competition in your field can result in a very huge amount of expense getting yourself noticed in the search engines and other advertising fields.

Investment Capital

Please do not think for one minute that you can achieve a good income without investing quite a bit of money and time into your venture. This is where I have made one of my biggest mistakes and it has cost me dearly over a period of time.

I believed in the hype of so many of the adverts telling me that I could start my own business and be earning a large amount of income within a short period of time and do it with little or no money. This may have been true once but is trutherly no longer the case. You will be told time and time again that you can make vast amounts of money, with little or no effort and investment of your cash. This is totally wrong and misleading. You are very unlikely to even earn enough of your initial outlay, that you will most certainly be going to pay out, if you believe this hype. This is most definitely true for your first year of trying to make any profit.

Once you have considered the aspect of our much money you are willing or have to invest in your future, you can move forward with your plans. We can now discuss the essential steps required to get your business on the Internet.

Choosing a Domain Name

You will need to give this some serious thought as it will say a lot about your business. It is no good just picking a random domain name that you think may be okay. Choose a name that relates to what you are selling if you are selling a product to a niche audience, i.e. If your business is to sell eBook's then you want a domain name to reflect that niche.The domain name for one of my websites is and on that site I sell eBook's, you can see at a glance the link between my chosen niche and my domain.

I cannot decide if this next point is really relevant or not but it is worth mentioning nonetheless. It is often stated that you should not choose to have your domain name and Internet hosting with the same company. I have seen on a number of occasions that people who do this often do run into problems. I cannot say if this is true or not because I have never had a domain name with the same hosting company. I suggest that you make up your own mind on this issue.

Choosing Hosting For Your Site

Good hosting is often overlooked and not taken seriously enough. Whilst you may have some hosting space for your site with your Internet Service Provider. This is never a good choice to use if you are serious about your business and having a hosting service will also make you look more proffessional. These days you have a very wide choice of companies offering hosting services at varying prices for your pocket. You would be wise to research the company that you are considering to go with, so that you can get an idea of how reliable their service is.

You do not want to be signing up with a company that has a bad reputation of server downtime, bad ticket support or other failings. Even if you have to pay a little more for a reliable hosting service, then you should do so. It is also a good idea to be able to host more than one domain name, so also check that this is possible. The reason that I tell you this is because you will undoubtedly expand your venture as time goes on.

I have just run into this problem myself, so I know what I am saying about this often overlooked issue. Even if you think that you are not going to need to host other domain names, you must still consider it. With the ever increasing competition of hosting providers the prices for their services have tumbled dramatically. This means that you will have far more money left in your pocket for advertising etc.

Follow what i have written above and you will have a much better chance of making your venture work.

Vince Andrews is a respected internet marketer and has published many helpfull reviews, turorials and help for other people starting out in this area. It is well known that he delivers honest and reliable views on this subject. You may use this article on your site, but please leave the my author details and bio intact. For more information please visit: Blog45911
Fanchette Blog25612

Paid Search Campaigns: What Makes The Heavy Lifting So Heavy?

IT IS A CRITICAL COMPONENT of the day-to-day tasks that occur behind the scenes of any paid search marketing campaign. It's commonly experienced by those on the frontlines. It is a necessary evil. It is something that does not need to be so complex and cumbersome--but often is.

Simply put, it is customer service. But in this case it is the engine's service of its customer--the agency.

It's only keywords and textlinks

On the surface, our clients are presented with only the end product--neat, detailed, executive-level campaign summaries and charts that indicate efficient search marketing performance tied with strategic recommendations. Often these summaries validate the need for an ongoing search marketing presence. Clients also understand such top-level tactics as expanded keyword lists and lowered bids for non-performing terms.

What remains hidden is the time-consuming back and forth with each engine in order to ensure a perfect launch or retrieve ongoing campaign updates. As much as we try to streamline our interactions with the engines, there will always be a need for constant conversations and confirmations. If you haven't already today, please go thank your campaign managers for what they frequently have to endure.

As mentioned by Gord Hotchkiss in a previous "Search Insider" article, those not connected to our industry tend to simplify what we do as nothing more than "typ[ing] phrases to drive ad traffic." If only it were that simple.

The customer (agency) is always right...sometimes

Each engine has its own methodologies, terms and conditions, processes and policies. During the course of a paid search marketing campaign, you may very well experience one or some of the following issues that contribute to the "heavy lifting," such as:

Regardless of client pedigree and potential, you're required to invest a monthly minimum spend threshold. Last time I checked, there was more than one engine in the marketplace.

The text creative that you initially submitted, following several stakeholders' approval, has mysteriously been altered based on what the engine "felt would perform better."

When they were asked for explanations on what the effect of certain engine guidelines (such as cosmetic changes in the way a result would be listed) would mean for existing campaigns, engine staffers simply stated that they "don't know" and they "were not privy to that information from upper management." How can we set our client expectations when the engines themselves are unable to provide guidance?

Without prior notification, your set daily spend caps are exceeded above a normal percentage. The engine claims there was an unforeseen "system error," and kindly apologizes for burning through a large percent of your monthly budget.

Somehow another advertiser is securing sponsored listings against your client's brand name. You're aware of the engine's policy and have taken action, yet the advertiser's listings links to a page that is not compliant with the engine's existing list of guidelines. Poor result relevancy is more important than trademark infringement?

Depending on your client's business, setting up a new campaign requires coordination with several engine representatives that in some way serve the same purpose or do not effectively communicate. Remember the days of ONE engine representative handling ALL of your paid search campaigns, regardless of vertical?

While these issues have not affected our client's campaign performances, because experience allows all of us to set realistic turnaround times and expectations, they have cost us all additional hours in dealing with the engines behind the scenes. Maybe no one side is to blame. Maybe these are just outcomes of our industry's tremendous growth spurt in the past few years. Is there a fix?

Industry standards?

While all engines do their best to fix any unforeseen system glitches, editorial oversights or overall lapses in customer service, one question still remains--can standardization minimize pain points and improve engine-to-agency customer service?

Are these issues isolated incidents, or industry-wide? At a recent conference, this was a recurring topic of discussion among a few SEM enthusiasts. Feedback among the group was mixed. There was no unanimous engine winner or loser. For every account of an engine that did something great, there was a horror story worse than any in the aforementioned list.

Thankfully, it appears that the engines are heading in a direction of standardizing some of their offerings, including text creative character limitations, soon-to-be-special algorithms for determining a sponsored ad's rank, and dayparting capabilities. This will at least allow for a common level of expectations around process and procedures. How long before standardized back-end financial systems, electronic insertion orders, trademark policies and agency relationship models follow?

Will things get worse before they get better?

We're in this together

Every day brings another announcement about an engine's new technology, acquisition or ad management component. So, nothing indicates that our jobs will get easier. I'm sure we can all say that the various engines' customer service has improved over the past few years, but it is not ideal. Agencies will continue to offer solutions on how this can be improved. Engines will continue to make minor improvements here and there. Our industry will continue to evolve.

At the end of the day, our interests should be aligned with delivering value to our clients and making the heavy lifting a little lighter.

Erik Harbison writes about SEO, SEM and search engine optimization, You can contact him through Blog70603
Vitia Blog3328

Do You Know How To Experience Real Internet Marketing Leverage?

Did you know that... certain Master Resale Rights Products or Solutions can be a Great Foundation to the Leverage You need to Experience In Internet Marketing.

Uncover the principle of Leverage as the Key You need for Freedom, everyone that has more than enough understands the truth. Here Are Secrets Revealed Using Master Resale Rights.

First Good Reason to Use Master Resale Rights is Learning to Leverage the Internet Marketing Community.

You need to know the Basics of How the Internet works using a web page. Failure to understand this point will leave You totally dependent on the honesty of others. You need this understanding even if You become a major user of the Real Outsourcing that's available to Your Business.

Did You Know every folder You create on You Domain Server, You need to place an Index File in that folder for security?

Otherwise, everything in that folder is exposed.

Hands on Experience is what You need in the true sense of the word here. I'm a living witness that You can Master enough about HTML code with a few Basics. What You learn just looking at the "Source Code" of a web page of Your Master Resale Products is invaluable. You will master much just working with each web page.

When we first started we had no knowledge, just simple facts like: and then , meaning Bold the text and the end of Bold text.All of this is better Illustrated in a Basic Master Resale Rights Package. This makes for a good case study in the How To Videos made available to Illustrate:

Master Resale Rights will teach You first hand the value of a Highly Responsive Presell Email. Mostly this is the First Base even when we have an excellent Blog in the Mix or a Direct to DeskTop Method used in our Business. That's another topic we've found very effective in detail here:

Matters not what we market we must Master the Presell of our Product or Solution mostly using email online. Knowing this Secret and Mastering How To Apply Related Bonuses with all we Market to our Customers/Clients spells Financial Freedom.

Notice that Marketing is the Key, learn to be more than a peddler of this product and that product just because of the commissions You think that will be received if You by chance are lucky to have any success.

There is a method to this madness and it's called Marketing in Your Business and You must have a plan. Here is one of the Best known to the Internet Marketing Community when You need to Master Writing the Presell Email, Highly Suggested:

I'm sure You have noticed everything we do in Marketing is to Build on that Central Theme started back in December 2001 of Time Saving and Money Making HomeBased Business Resouces. Our Flagship Idea was to evolve in the Internet Marketing Community Using Master Resale Rights as our Training Ground.

Even though about $100,000 a year is a Good Goal to Target, You always must realized that Leverage is still the Key that will bring You more than enough.Everyone that plans to earn $5,000,000 profits from Your endeavors of Marketing Online in say a Seven Year period, let me suggest these Basics are really, really necessary. You need to understand the Basics matter not that there aren't opinions of the other thinking.

Think about it, recently most have come to know that You are very limited without a community of likeminded people in Internet Marketing these days. Moving to the Next Level is the song of Leverage, tune that mostly the Rich and Famous have been able to sing. Have You been Lied to for Years?

They didn't teach these ideas in High School and most of our Schools period. Here is Your WARNING and WAKE UP CALL.

A Storm Is Coming are You Ready? List Building and Affiliate Marketing are Leverage Points that are the Real Deal. You Know it's true if You noticed Your inbox lately and You can Demand that You receive some "How To Information" Without It Costing You and I an Arm and Leg plus Your First Born-):

What will You Master as Your Point of Leverage?

Build Leverage In Your Follow-Up System Using Master Resale Rights a Catalyst In Marketing Mastery Online.From here You can create Your own Products and even Improve on Private Label Rights should You Choose. Improve on the Idea and You make it Your very own. Know the Basics and a LifeStyle of Financial Freedom and Abundance will reign in Life.Think!

Every since I started out Online with Our First Domain in December 2001 being a Christian Business Online has been and always will be most important to me as a person.

Because I'm sure that teaching 5,000,000 persons what I know is this: Grace and Truth were realized in Jesus Christ.

This is our Ultimate Goal and everything else we practice is in support of this idea, I believe and take my stand in the Idea of "Together We Stand". John 1:1-18, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

This remains Our Thought O The Week!

"In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline." --Martin Luther King Jr.

Do you know only true leaders step out front?"

John F. Kennedy, echoing Theodore Roosevelt, stated the idea more eloquently when he said:

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Living your life on your terms means stepping out on a regular basis. You have a song in your heart. Will you step out from the crowd and sing that song? Will you risk appearing the fool to live your dreams?

It may seem frightening and lonely to step out front. It is, but only for a short time. The comfort of conformity soon pales in comparison to the power, passion and excitement that comes with any bold, new, purposeful action.

You'll soon find others who've stepped out front with you.

They're people like you who've grown weary of living a mediocre existence.

They - like you - will have heeded the whisper of God within, which quietly says "It's your life. Make it great."

Step out front this week. It doesn't have to be a big step.

Maybe you've been thinking about starting your own home- based business. Perhaps you have an idea for your own newsletter. Maybe there's a class you've been wanting to take. Whatever it is, take your first step this week.

If you're not sure what that first step is for you, shoot me a message and we'll come up with it together.

Step out and have a great week!

This is the System we Highly Recommend to Master the Basics as I did Online and You can handle putting most any Product or Solution on the Market whether You created it, a Private Label Product You Improved On or even if You plan to become one to OutSource most parts of every project. The Real Deal!

You can never skip the Basics, it's a neccessary Learning Curve none can avoid that will exceed over $100,000 yearly Internet Marketing Income. Because I know it works so well I suggest You Invest and Begin to Catapult Your Mastery of Marketing Online Starting Today.Because I can help You use this system In a Lifestyle of Freedom even using the Best Online Super Affiliate Marketing Project to date in my Humble Opinion. What do You Think?

Is It Really the most powerful affiliate weapon on the web?

Benefits of knowing the Basics will catapult Your Business to Greater Results, You can't avoid the Learning Curve no matter How You Try.It's Neccessary and the sooner we Discover the truth it's better. Leverage is a by product of Your own Thinking, "Help Enough Other People Get What They Want, and You Can Have Anything You Want" Zig Zigler. Are You Ready for the Coming Storm? Marketing Online Is Better In a Positive Community "Together We Stand".

©2006 Jim R. Legington - All Rights Reserved

You have permission to use and distribute this Article in Your Ezine/Newsletter, Website, Blog, eBook, Reports,as long as You Do Not Alter Any of it's Content and Our Resource Box just below, Must Remain Attached with this Article. Thank You So Much!

Retired FireFighter Jim R. Legington with His Brandable Free Report of "Top Ten One Time offers" shows You How To Discover Viral Marketing Illustrated. Over 40% Conversion Rate To Very Loyal Subscribers Using Best Irresistible Offers Online Today! Blog23198
Veronica Blog31078

Choose Pixel Advertising Sites Wisely, and Know Who All Profits

A new form of Internet advertising has exploded and it is receiving a lot of response lately - pixel advertising. Essentially, it is where people purchase a set of pixels on the homepage of a Web site, inserting their company logo that links back to their own site. Potentially, the end result can be increased Web site traffic to both the pixel site and the advertisers placing their images there.

As a potential advertiser seeking unique online exposure and increased traffic for your Web site, use precautions before spending your money on just any pixel advertising Web site.

Dont be impulsive with your advertising dollars. Do some comparison shopping online first. Take a few moments to browse different pixel sites, read the content on their sites about their company and what makes them unique among other pixel ad sites. Compare their pricing, the sizes of pixel ads available, the placement of your ad on their homepage, and the length of time your ad will be placed on their Web site.

Choose pixel advertising sites devoted to a charitable or worth while causeAlex Tew, a UK college student, started (the first known pixel advertising site) so he could save enough money to go to college. There are others like him out there whose primary goal is to use pixel advertising as a way to donate to a charity or help others who are less fortunate. Sites like by owner Chad King were started to raise money to help tear down his mothers old dilapidated trailer and build her a brand new house on the same property. These sites are definitely worth checking out first.

Seek out pixel ad sites whose owners already believe in natural search engine optimization, and are paying an SEO company for natural and ethical search engine optimization. How can you tell without directly asking? While it may not be the best indicator, one method is to look for keywords in the META titles, META descriptions and META keyword tags on many pages of the Web site. Look for those same keywords throughout the content on the site.

Find pixel advertising sites who will genuinely keep its word on leaving your ad on their Web site for the 5 or 10 years as promised. Many of these new pixel sites popping up everywhere will no longer be around one year from now, because they will have taken everybodys money and stopped paying for their domain and hosting fees. You do not want to advertise on a fly-by-night-take-your-money-and-run type of pixel site.

Before paying for a pixel advertising site, actually contact the owner of the pixel ad site by phone or email and get to know him or her. Ask that person questions like what he intends to do with the money generated from pixel advertising, or what percentage (if any) will be donated to charity. What charity will the money be donated to, or what individual or family will be the recipient of the donations?

Pixel advertising is fast becoming the latest online trend. As a potential advertiser, first take the time to shop around before choosing which pixel advertising site to pay for, and find out who will profit from your advertising dollars.

Wendy Suto is president of, an SEO firm in Cleveland, Ohio. She specializes in natural and ethical optimization, link building and article submission tactics. As a certified SEO consultant, she teaches SEO training classes. http://www.searchcircus.comFaye Blog51724
Fan Blog70421

The Anatomy Of Profit Building

Every day new Internet entrepreneurs are faced with sales letters that promise to show them how to make millions of dollars. That sure sounds nice, but how can you expect to strike it rich if youre not even sure of how to make your first buck online?

Following is a realistic and achievable outline for reaching a profit with your web business.

Determine Your Initial Expenses -

Obviously, one of the first things you need to do is structure your monthly spending. It is important that you know exactly how much money is going out, so you can determine how much return you need to reach a profit.

I recommend only investing in the necessities until you start generating some type of an income. Web hosting, mailing list management, a good tracking utility, and a basic advertising budget are examples of essential expenses.

Once you account for all your monthly expenses, you will know exactly how much income you need to realize a profit. But as the saying goes, you must learn to crawl before you learn to walk.

Become Self-Funding -

I encourage you to think large in terms of what you wish to achieve with your Internet marketing ventures. There is absolutely no reason why you cant make a nice full time living from this business if you plan diligently and work hard.

But lets take this one step at a time. The first thing you need to do is generate enough money each month to cover your operating costs.

This way, you arent spending money out of your own pocket to keep your venture afloat. Naturally, youll have to go out-of-pocket in the beginning, but you should set a goal of making your business self-funding (meaning it pays for itself) as quickly as possible.

With a well structured game plan, and a strong work ethic, there is no reason you cant become fully self-funded within 3 to 6 months. Individual results will vary, but this is certainly a realistic time frame if you stay focused.

The Rest is Gravy. Sort of -

Once you achieve a recurring income that exceeds your operational expenses, you are officially in profit. But lets not schedule the victory parade just yet.

There is one more thing to consider when evaluating your earnings. How much of your time is required to generate whatever amount of money you take in each month?

Your time is precious, and should not be undersold. If youre spending 10 hours each day to pull in an extra $50 per month, Id say there is room for improvement.

The last thing I want to do is squash the life out of you here. A small profit is still better than what 99% of the people in this industry ever achieve, so once you reach the point where you are getting back more than you are putting in, please pat yourself squarely on the back.

At the same time, you should not be prepared to settle for what I like to call prison wages. Demand an amount of compensation that reflects the value of your time, and work hard to make this demand a reality.

Tim Whiston is a full-time entrepreneur and internet marketer. He assists small businesses in his local area and Internet entrepreneurs with the development of a profitable web presence. Check out Tim's comprehensive suite of Internet Marketing Solutions today.Vitia Blog3328
Frederica Blog28645

The Best Email Marketing Strategies & Solutions For B2B Marketers

For B2B marketers e-mail marketing is one of the most successful tools for generating great results at the quickest possible time. Not only does it help you reach the targeted people at lower cost, but you can also reach millions of potential customers in minutes. Accordingly, your e-mail marketing strategy must be an integral part of the overall marketing strategy of your organization. As you intend to sell your products or services to other businesses, you need to adopt an aggressive marketing strategy to ensure that you are ahead of your competitors. The design of the newsletter used in your email marketing campaign should reflect the corporate image of your organization. It should also create a distinct identity of your products and business. The content of your newsletter should engage the readers by providing them well-defined and product-specific information in order to convert them into sales opportunities. At the initial stage of the buying process, buyers conduct extensive online research about the different offerings available in the marketplace. The contents of your email marketing campaign should have simple terms and an easy-to-follow description so that buyers can learn about your products or services by reading the content. A lucid and compelling content will convert prospective customers into sales and help you stay ahead in the business. To enhance the look and feel of your newsletter you can seek professional help from agencies offering email marketing service.

When you offer a newsletter as a means for internet marketing email, you must ensure that it is nothing but a newsletter. B2B marketers often send e-mail advertising in the name of newsletter. If a subscriber finds an ad for a product in the inbox without reference to any context, the mail find its way to the trash. The subscriber might unsubscribe from your newsletter as well. B2B marketers often send bulk email as a way to mass email marketing of their products or services. Recipients of such mails respond by spam filtering and blocking the addresses, eventually restricting your marketing efforts. To avoid these situations it is useful to take recourse to opt-in email marketing and permission email marketing. Whenever an owner of an email address explicitly requests for your newsletter by providing his address to be used for the purpose, you include it in your opt-in mailing list. If a customer requests for the current catalogue of products by sending a request, you can add him to the list of customers whom you will send a copy of the current catalogue. You must ensure that such a list should be for once, and should be limited to the current catalogue only. Any list used for opt-in email marketing should not be used for sending spam. However, you may ask anyone, requesting for your current catalogue, if they want to continue receiving your latest catalogue, and maintain their data in your mailing list after obtaining explicit permission to do so. This list can be then used for permission email marketing. You can keep sending them bulk mails.

To be a successful B2B marketer in todays global market place, you need to have your computer and communication systems attuned to the most advanced technologies. Even if you design your email marketing campaign with excellent contents and design, your efforts may not bring the desired results if you fail to measure the responses or track the various actions. Often B2B marketers start their email-advertising program in a big way, but eventually end up losing the battle for their inability to implement advanced email delivery system, or to track the mails and generate reports. To get rid of such situations it is often necessary that you have professionals, who can implement result oriented email marketing solution, working for you. However, in order to cut down on the operating costs of employing and retaining technical staffs, you can also seek for email marketing consultancy services from organizations specializing in email marketing solution. There are many organizations which offer customized email marketing software to help you realize greater results for your email marketing campaigns. Professional email marketing solutions are fast, reliable, and powerful and helps you beat your competitors in the business. Advanced email marketing software and list management tools, coupled with brilliant designs and contents can bring spectacular results to your email marketing campaigns.

E-mail advertising is often seen as an intruder into privacy. We regularly find junk mails, spams or unwanted mails from unknown senders landing into our inboxes. Therefore, it has become a practice to delete all such mails without even opening them. Many people even go further and block the IP address or activate spam filtering. Innocent B2B marketers also fall victim to spam filtering and blocking, which, in turn, spoil all your email advertising and email marketing efforts. To get rid of these you must ensure that your email is not on any blackhole lists. Also you need to have a strict anti-spam policy and quickly act when a spamming report shows up. If you have an external email marketing service provider that is also host to another email "marketer" that sends spam, there are high chances that your e-mails are being blocked, as spam coming from a provider will be blocked as a whole, including all the innocent marketers. Therefore, you must ensure that your email marketing service provider does not provide service to any spammer.

For becoming a successful B2B marketer your primary focus should be on your internet marketing strategies. You must devise your internet marketing email in such a way that your return on investment (ROI) increases and it also helps in improving your bottom line. You need to ensure that all the aspects of the process are next to none, be it the design of your email newsletter, the contents or the email delivery system and analysis of data. Whether you use direct email marketing or bulk email marketing; whether it is opt-in email marketing or email advertising, you must ascertain that you have done proper research about the targeted section of your recipients to make sure that your email marketing campaigns are designed to be distinctive and complete.

Conrad Bailey is the author of The B2B Email Marketing blog at where he offers the best bulk email marketing solutions, tools and software for business-to-business marketers. 60-Day Free Trial.Viola Blog12750
Feliza Blog60990

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


You Can Start a Restaurant Business Here's How

You Can Start a Restaurant Business Here's How

Those looking to start a restaurant business need to be properly equipped with the right information. Everywhere you look; there is another magazine or a book that promises to help you along the way. But who can you trust? The good news is that there are some simple steps that anyone can take to make sure that you get started on the right foot. Here are four steps that you can start on today to help start a restaurant business.

The First Step: Plan

You can't successfully start a restaurant business if you don't have a plan in place. Planning is the key to making sure that you have all of the information and resources for your restaurant in place ahead of time. This will allow you to make the best decisions for your business. Here are some things you can ask yourself today:

What kind of customer do I want to serve?
Do I have a concept in mind?
Where will I be setting up my restaurant?
What will make my business unique?

You need to write out the ideas that you have so that you can begin to assemble them into a professional and clear business plan. Here's what you need to do for the plan itself.

The Second Step: Make a Physical Business Plan

Many business owners find it beneficial to have a physical piece of paper with their plans to start a restaurant business. With things like restaurant business software, you can build a business plan that's easy to read and for presenting to a bank or a business partner. This plan should include:

All of the things that you listed in the previous step
Plans for financing
Projected sales
Proposed staffing

This plan is really supposed to be a professional layout of how your business is supposed to run. Banks and other partners will want to see these details clearly laid out in order to decide whether or not you are actually set up for success.

The Third Step: Think about the Money

If you don't have the funds already to start a restaurant business, you need to start looking into options. In order to get the money you need to make your initial investments and orders stock, food, staff payments, bills, etc. Thankfully, there are a number of ways that you can go about making these initial payments before you start making profits:

Bank loans
Private loans from private investors

Of course, you can also dip into your own personal savings if you choose to do so, but many small businesses can take advantage of low interest rates, so they might be a good option for the time being.

Step Four: Hire the Right People

You can't start a restaurant business without the right people to greet your customers and serve them well. Many new restaurant owners hire people that they know or they have job fairs to interview multiple people at the same time. Just make sure you know what you want from your employees and don't settle for anything less.

Those are the steps to start a restaurant business. Now, get started!

Samuel Oliver has a site about the Restaurant Business; Restaurant Business MagicFlossie Blog44414
Valery Blog78866

Turning A Dream Into A Nightmare

To make money takes money, right? Or so many of us have heard and believed for years. Thus, when an individual seeks to open his own home business, he first seeks a way to obtain that money that he needs to make the money that he wants. The majority of those in this very situation will take the quickest route possible: straight to the bank. They will borrow the money they need and in the process risk items paramount to their ability to live, namely, their homes. Across the country individuals risk those things that they need the most, namely their homes, in the name of establishing a home business. However, the successful home business owner, the ones that end in the black every time, shun the idea of borrowing money. Instead of drinking the kool-aid of debt, they have discovered a way to pay their way to success.

First and foremost, these individuals do not, under any circumstance, borrow money. They understand that the borrower is slave to the lender, and thus in order to stay free, they run far away from the shackles that bind so many of their contemporaries. How do they do this? They have a vivid imagination. They imagine the foreclosure notice coming to their door via the postman, and they imagine their family selling nearly everything they have to keep the home they live in simply because they put their home up as collateral against a loan so they could open their own business. This image alone motivates them not to borrow against their home or anything else important to them.

Instead of borrowing, these successful home business owners establish their business slowly by growing only as far as they can afford it. They pay for their business items with cash, including inventory and supplies. When they pay in cash, they purchase inventory and supplies much more carefully, because they are using money that they have already worked hard for. Thus they select their investments wisely. They also understand that when they grow a business slowly, the business has time to establish roots and thus longevity. They have the time to manage it because it does not grow out of control.

Finally, if the dreaming-of-a-home-business individual cannot afford to open his own home business with the cash he has on hand, he keeps his dream but does not sacrifice his home to get it. Instead, he transforms that dream into a goal, and he works all that much harder at his present job to make the dream a reality. Once he has saved enough money, then he begins investing in the dream, the home business. At that point, the home business no longer is a dream that may turn into a nightmare, but it's the beginning of an end, with the end being the goal and the beginning being the dream. The home business owner then has a reason to celebrate: he has just opened his own business without any debt.

Home business owners across the country are sadly declaring bankruptcy and moving their families to smaller homes or apartments because of foreclosures. The home business does not have to be that same nightmare for every home business owner. Let your home business turn into a dream by paying off your debt and then paying for what you need with cash only. Doing so will lead you to a much more successful and peaceful end.

Jim Biscardi is owner of Dynamic Wealth Systems, LLC and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Jim recommends you visit: http://www.DynamicWealthSystems.comViole Blog33462
Filia Blog84655

Death Of The Small Sports Retailer?

What does the increase in the super stores such as JJB Sports and the recent acquisition program of Sportsworld mean to the small independent sports retailer?

Having spoken to over 1500 such retailers during the initial set up phase of, I feel the need to sound the alarm bell.

I spoke to a number of small multi-sports shops who have been driven out of business by the likes of Sportsworld and were in the process of closing, and even more who were finding life difficult thanks to the opening of large stores in their towns. However, this should not and must not spell the end of the independent sports retailer, but it will require a major shift in focus, and unfortunately I think that whats required may prove too great for many.

The problem, (if it can be called that), with the larger stores is that they tend to focus on sports fashion rather than sports equipment - the equipment they do stock tends to be large volume high discount, which has a market but is not suitable for everybody. Sports retailers, who are trying to compete in this market have been and are continuing to be driven out of business, as they are unable to compete on price.

This problem however, presents an opportunity for the more astute sports retailer. There has and always will be a need for small independent sports retailers willing and able to offer both specialist products and advice. People who are serious about their sport, will always seek out these types of shop rather than go to a large chain, where the chances are the sales assistant will have little or no knowledge of the products they are selling.

If these specialist retailers are able to embrace technology as well, they will not only be able to survive but will also be able to grow their business in the current market. This is proven by the number of small profitable online businesses being set up selling everything from football flags to golf balls. Many of these compete because they do not have the added cost of high street premises, while others see the internet as an extension of their current business.

Unfortunately, I have spoken to a large number of retailers, who refuse to accept the advance of the internet. One retailer told me Dont speak to me about the internet, its ruining my business. Unfortunately this is symptomatic of the British nations attitude to change of any kind, no matter how big or small. From the switch to the metric system, to the introduction of chip and pin and more recently the change in the postal system, anything which challenges the way things used to be is met with horror and outrage.

Other retailers have admittedly accepted that the internet is here to stay and have decided they need to have a website of their own. However, in the main they have committed the money and paid anything from 5000 and above for a website, but have not committed the time and energy to marketing it. They either believe, or have been led to believe that once the site is launched it will be miraculously found by thousands of buyers anxious to part with their money. This is simply not true as anybody with a successful online shop knows. As with any other business the key to success is in the marketing. Having an online store and not having a clear marketing strategy is like having a high street shop stuck in the middle of nowhere, and having it boarded up 7 days per week, so that nobody even knows what its called or that its even open.

So whats the answer?

Its clear that the internet is here to stay and in the right hands is a powerful tool, helping retailers to keep up with the competition and potentially enabling business growth.

However, retailers who have closed their eyes to the internet will need to open them quickly or face extinction. The younger generation have grown up with the internet and see it as an integral part of their life, and as current research shows the trend of online sales is increasing year on year. An attempt to resist this will lead to failure.

Those retailers that have already invested in a website need to put a clear marketing strategy in place. This could involve employing a Search Engine Optimisation expert, or a consultant (and there are thousands around willing to take your money), or they could invest some of their own time and hard work into this quite complex area. As a very minimum, they should be looking to take advantage to as much free or low cost advertising as possible. Many directories for example, offer a free entry with an option to upgrade to an enhanced listing. As with all marketing, the results should be measured and more time effort and money invested in those which bring in business. They should also set aside a budget for a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign. Again, PPC is a complex area, but once the basics have been mastered, the hard work will be rewarded, with an increase in business and significant Return on Investment.

One thing is clear. It is the high street retailers, who understand the internet and see it as an extension of their business, who will succeed - especially if they are able to specialise within a certain sport or area of sport. Unfortunately those retailers, who refuse to open their eyes and see that the internet is here to stay, or who do not develop a clear online marketing strategy are destined for failure.

Fraser Mitchell had 15 years experience in purchasing and supply chain before moving into purchasing and supply chain recruitment. In May of this year he set up the UKs first Sports Search Engine. For further information on any of the points raised in this article he can be contacted on or on 01423 547689.Filia Blog13951
Valery Blog78866

Taking Your Readers Attention to a New Level

The race for supremacy in the internet based businesses has been really heating up and many sites have been put up to help others to get ahead for a small fee. But there are also ways in which you dont have to pay so much to make yourself a good list of loyal followers. Having a satisfied web traffic and visitors allows you to put up a foundation wherein you can build an opt-in list and make it grow from there.

An opt-in list allows you to provide newsletters to your subscribers with their consent. When people sign up, they know that they will be receiving updates and news from your site and the industry your represent via an e-mail. But that doesnt mean that all of those who subscribe read them at all. Many lists have been built due to an attachment with free software or for a promotional discount and such. Some are not really interested in receiving e-mails from companies and just treat them as waste of cyberspace and delete or trash them without so mush as opening the e-mail and scanning them.

You can change all that. While forwarding an email message is relatively easy after producing your newsletter, getting people to open them is not as easy. You dont want to waste all the time and effort used in making the newsletters, you want people to read them and have their interests piqued. Interested enough to go to your website and look around and most especially purchase and acquire your products or services.

One of the numerous ways you can tempt or persuade your subscriber is by providing a well thought out and well written subject. The subject of an email is what is often referred to when a person or a recipient of an email decides whether he or she wants to open or read an e-mail. The subject could easily be regarded as one of the most important aspect of your promotional e-mail.

Your subject must be short and concise. They should provide a summary for the content of the e-mail so that the recipient will have basic knowledge of the content. This is really vital in grabbing the attention of your readers and subscribers. You want your subject to instantly grab the attention of your subscriber and get them to be intrigued to open up your mail. Remember, it is not necessarily true that a subscriber opens up subscribed mails.

A good subject must always be tickling the curiosity of your recipient. It must literally force the recipient to open the mail. A certain emotion must be ignited and get them to open the mail. It is essential to use specific words to get the reaction you need. Keep in mind that the recipient or subscribers spends only a few seconds looking over each subject of the e-mails he receives. You must grab your readers attention right away.

There are many forms you can use for your subject. You can provide a subject that says your e-mail contains content that teaches them tips and methods on certain topics. An example of this is using keywords and keyword phrases such as, How to , tips, Guides to, Methods in and others like that.

You can also put your subject in a question form. These may include questions like, Are you sick and tired of your job? Or Is your boss always on your case? Try to stay on the topic that pertains to your site so that youll know that your subscribers have signed up because they are interested in that topic. This form of subject is very effective because they reach out to your recipients emotions. When they have read the question on your subject, their mind starts answering the question already.

You can also use a subject that commands your reader. Statements such as Act now and get this once in a lifetime opportunity, or Double, triple and even quadruple what you are earning in one year. This type of subject deals with the benefits your company provides with your product and services.

You may also use breaking news as your subject to intrigue your subscriber. For example, if you deal with car engine parts you can write in your subject, Announcing the new engine that uses no gasoline, It runs on water. This creates curiosity with the reader and will lead them to open the mail and read on.

Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is the owner of, a discount retail outlet, and a co-director of which is an information portal with many interesting medical articles. She is also an associate of which features many articles on internet marketing and resources.

Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is the owner of, a discount retail outlet, and a co-director of which is an information portal with many interesting medical articles. She is also an associate of which features many articles on internet marketing and resources.Filia Blog52926
Viki Blog11510

An Income Opportunity Proven To Make Money Online

Clearly one of the most proven income generating opportunities for promoting your web site or small internet business is to publish articles online. This is a very simple way to contribute informative content and best of all it is free to use. You do not need to have a lot of experience or be a professional writer, to be able to place articles on your web site. Having articles that are directly related to the theme of the web site, will in turn give you an edge on the competition. By writing an article yourself and submitting it to the directory that you are using to get your articles, you then are feeding the community with great content for everyone to share.

There are literally thousands of these directories of articles on the Internet, being a member of multiple web societies will yield more and more reference materials that you can benefit from. When writing an article that you intend on placing on one of the many directories, it is very important to keep the required formatting in mind, there are some directories that wish for you to use no formatting, this is not a bad thing as in the end it will save you time not having to set the formatting up. Just make sure it is all done in a text document, and all will be fine.

Sometimes the directory will require a keyword or keywords to go along with the article, and may or may not ask for a brief description of the article in a separate box. Along with all this information, it is a great idea for you to have a resource box at the bottom of the article. This is an excellent way for you to give information about you, and the web site or sites you may have. This is an excellent method of self-promotion. The key here is to generate as much traffic to your web site as you can, by efficiently using web content and articles that appeal to people. This is very effective when you find great articles that pertain to your site as a whole.

Here is a helpful hint - Content is king, but the choice of keywords is also an important aspect of your article publication initiatives. Simply place keywords that you use in the keywords metatag of your web site in your title and in the body of the article. You will be giving your web site a boost in the search engine rankings when your article is accepted by the directories and they link back to your web site! You can find the search engine ranking of the article directory easily by installing the Google toolbar on your web browser. You will notice that the article directories have some of the highest rankings of all web sites worldwide! This is due to all the quality submissions and links they get from online publishers.

There is a very good chance that if someone reads an entire article that you have written, that they will be willing to read more of your work. This can easily draw them to your site out of curiosity, and could generate a new sale. This new sale could then be referred to someone else looking for the same product or service, and again draw a new customer. Word of mouth on the Internet is a very powerful tool indeed. So in closing, it is clear that these services known as article directories do have a proven solid purpose in the way of generating more traffic to your intended target and increasing the search engine ranking of that tarket. That target is your web site, an income opportunity proven to make you money online!

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Build your own proven income opportunity at .Vinny Blog69320
Vanni Blog57632

Getting Your Online Money Making Business Started

For the absolute novice the foray into creating a money making online business can be quite daunting. Most don't know where to start let alone know what to do or how to do it. The one common theme, no matter what their circumstance, is "I want to make money!"

The key to having an online money making business is a change of mindset from employee to business owner or entrepreneur.

The employee clocks in every day, does the required tasks, clocks out again and spends their pay check; sometimes years in advance if they have accumulated credit debt.

The business owner however takes a wider view. He or she has a business plan, sets goals and initiates strategies to achieve them. The business owner forecasts their income in advance.

One of the first things to do, to avoid information overload, is to sit down with pencil and paper and plan your business.

Begin by defining what sort of business you want:

1. Physical products

This could be based on something as simple as your favourite craft or hobby. My teenage daughter, for example, loves making her own jewellery; so much so that our home is literally littered with her "creations". Therefore I built a website for her to sell it.

2. Electronic Products

If "making" a physical product to sell seems like too much work, how about creating a "How To" ebook about all you know on your favourite hobby, craft or area of expertise. Electronic products are very popular with those who want information but don't have the time to do all the research. Gather all your knowledge up in one package and sell your efforts again and again and again.

3. Affiliate Program Products

If you are really stuck for an idea of a product to sell, affiliate marketing is a good place to start. Affiliate marketing is selling someone else's product for a percentage of the sale. The secret to this kind of business is find products that you really love; it will be easier to succeed if your heart and soul is in your business.

There's no reason why you can't do all three - eventually - but for a start choose just one. Once you have decided, plan out ways to implement this new business. Break the plan into smaller, easy to achieve tasks. For each stage of implementing your money making business work on bite size pieces.

For example: "I need a website" can be refined into:

- Registering a Domain Name
- Find a web host
- Find an Auto-responder service
- Find a web designer or for the do-it-your-selfer, lessons on website building
- Find a payment processor

A certain amount of single-mindedness is required as it is easy to become distracted. You might find ideas popping into your head as you are working away. Great! Write them down in your ideas vault and get back to business. They can always be developed later when you have finished the task at hand

All good business owners work within time-frames. Use this to measure your effectiveness and productivity. Schedule time for your tasks, set a completion date, review your progress, and then adapt to make improvements.

While overseeing your business as a whole and focusing on the tasks required, your online money making business will take form and you'll find you will make money.

Dee-Dee MacLeod-Wilson ( is a Kiwi work from home mom with a holistic approach to helping like minded parents become successful work from home families.Felicia Blog82572
Viola Blog82545
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