Thursday, January 24, 2008


First Steps on Starting an Internet Business

If you are considering starting an Internet business, then there are quite a few things that you will need to know, if you are going to succeed.The pitfalls of rushing into starting your own online business are many and varied. however you will be able to avoid many of the mistakes that online marketers make, when first starting out in your venture by continuing to read this article.

Why Do They Fail

Why so many newcomers to Internet marketing fail is that they have the idea in their heads, that it is going to be easy. I can tell you now that this is not the case and if you take this approach, you may only have one percent in a thousand chance or less of succeeding. Those days are almost certainly over because there is far more competition out there and everybody and their dogs want to start an Internet business.

I have already made these mistakes and can only try to help you avoid these same problems and if only one of you succeed in your business, then my efforts will have been rewarded.

Research your field

The first thing that you should do is to decide on what field of Internet marketing, you are going to venture into. When you have some idea of the field that you want to start in, you must be willing to spend some time researching that field. Without researching your field you will never know it's potential. You will need to know how big a market this field has and just how much competition there is against you.

A big competition in your field can result in a very huge amount of expense getting yourself noticed in the search engines and other advertising fields.

Investment Capital

Please do not think for one minute that you can achieve a good income without investing quite a bit of money and time into your venture. This is where I have made one of my biggest mistakes and it has cost me dearly over a period of time.

I believed in the hype of so many of the adverts telling me that I could start my own business and be earning a large amount of income within a short period of time and do it with little or no money. This may have been true once but is trutherly no longer the case. You will be told time and time again that you can make vast amounts of money, with little or no effort and investment of your cash. This is totally wrong and misleading. You are very unlikely to even earn enough of your initial outlay, that you will most certainly be going to pay out, if you believe this hype. This is most definitely true for your first year of trying to make any profit.

Once you have considered the aspect of our much money you are willing or have to invest in your future, you can move forward with your plans. We can now discuss the essential steps required to get your business on the Internet.

Choosing a Domain Name

You will need to give this some serious thought as it will say a lot about your business. It is no good just picking a random domain name that you think may be okay. Choose a name that relates to what you are selling if you are selling a product to a niche audience, i.e. If your business is to sell eBook's then you want a domain name to reflect that niche.The domain name for one of my websites is and on that site I sell eBook's, you can see at a glance the link between my chosen niche and my domain.

I cannot decide if this next point is really relevant or not but it is worth mentioning nonetheless. It is often stated that you should not choose to have your domain name and Internet hosting with the same company. I have seen on a number of occasions that people who do this often do run into problems. I cannot say if this is true or not because I have never had a domain name with the same hosting company. I suggest that you make up your own mind on this issue.

Choosing Hosting For Your Site

Good hosting is often overlooked and not taken seriously enough. Whilst you may have some hosting space for your site with your Internet Service Provider. This is never a good choice to use if you are serious about your business and having a hosting service will also make you look more proffessional. These days you have a very wide choice of companies offering hosting services at varying prices for your pocket. You would be wise to research the company that you are considering to go with, so that you can get an idea of how reliable their service is.

You do not want to be signing up with a company that has a bad reputation of server downtime, bad ticket support or other failings. Even if you have to pay a little more for a reliable hosting service, then you should do so. It is also a good idea to be able to host more than one domain name, so also check that this is possible. The reason that I tell you this is because you will undoubtedly expand your venture as time goes on.

I have just run into this problem myself, so I know what I am saying about this often overlooked issue. Even if you think that you are not going to need to host other domain names, you must still consider it. With the ever increasing competition of hosting providers the prices for their services have tumbled dramatically. This means that you will have far more money left in your pocket for advertising etc.

Follow what i have written above and you will have a much better chance of making your venture work.

Vince Andrews is a respected internet marketer and has published many helpfull reviews, turorials and help for other people starting out in this area. It is well known that he delivers honest and reliable views on this subject. You may use this article on your site, but please leave the my author details and bio intact. For more information please visit: Blog45911
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